Thursday, August 5, 2010


Seeing as it is my last day, it has been kind of unfocused, indecisive, yet still a lovely Paris day. The weather was chillier than I've found, there is a wind today that felt a little colder. It was perfect for my final morning run in the park I have grown to love on every day that I have run in it. I have enjoyed so much watching the people, some running, some walking, some meditating; it's a lovely setting to do any of the aforementioned and such a haven for me. I considered going back today for a picnic, but the cooler weather suggested to me that I was meant to enjoy it for my running ritual and that is what my memory will be.
Last day walking down Rivoli
I headed out to do some errands today. There is a tax credit available if you purchase a certain amount in one store, which I did. But, the day I shopped, I did not have my passport with me, so had to go back to show it. So, on my journey to do this, I meandered through one more market area and found myself haggling with a lady over some scarves. She was very sweet.
So, I think my stomach is finally starting to feel ready for a change (did I really say that?), so one more meal tonight then back into transition mode!
However, did stop to take some pictures of some mouth watering window displays...

And, okay, maybe I did stop and go into one...

That chocolate/pear tarte just called out to me
I had to giggle when I was asked today what my home city was and when I shared Edmonton, the lady repeated, Badminton? Non, Edmonton. Ahhh, Edmontown? I just left it. Maybe we should be Edmontown!

As for that one more meal I mentioned, it was a good one. I chose a restaurant based on a blog by David Lebovitz ( and I was not disappointed. Once again I found myself back in the Marais district and loving it at 'Ma Bourgogne'. The service, setting and food were all top notch. The waiters went out of their way to let me garble my way through the French language, but they also spoke English. I asked for their recommendations and they were good. The salad I began with of tomatoes, cucumbers and green beans was so tasty.

After my meal, in Tanis style, I walked home. I found myself in the Belleville region, which might be otherwise known as Chinatown? Nonetheless, there was a great deal of activity throughout.
Home now, thinking about packing and organizing and maybe heading out later for one last kir...

1 comment:

  1. It has been heaven following you through Paris Tanis. Thank you SO much for sharing it with us!
